Here’s an example of just how easy (and almost comical) a healing session/conversation can be.
One day I was talking to a young man in the chaplain’s prayer room (we’ll call him Todd). Todd was describing some things he was going through and I, of course, began to poke and prod for some possible causes of the issues he presented. Somewhere in the middle of our conversation he suddenly remembered he had been diagnosed with a condition, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). So I said “Okay, when were you diagnosed with that?”, and he answered “When I was 16.” He then looked at me kind of funny as if to say, “What difference does that make, I have ADD so let’s talk about that.” I kept digging and asked if he could recall any traumatic events prior to the age of 16 and at first he wasn’t coming up with anything. As he looked back over his life, you got the feeling it was pretty decent overall. Eventually he landed on this and said (without an ounce of emotion), “Well I lost my dad at 15…”(!) Needless to say we got deeply into that, processed the horror and pain of losing his dad at such a young age, and knocked out the root cause of ADD! (and as I’ve described in this book, when someone prays a prayer of release and receives healing, it is Jesus who does the healing, not myself).
The crazy part was how he couldn’t see the connection at first. I said, “So you lost your dad at 15?” “Yep.” And you were diagnosed with ADD by the age of 16?” “Yep.” “Do you see the cause and effect?” “Nope.”
Folks, it is not rocket science. People are not going crazy over nothing, and nervous breakdowns don’t just fall out of the sky. It can all be tracked down and healed, but again, there is a cost - facing whatever pain and darkness is haunting you. Many people are not willing/ready to face these things until the pain they are currently in outweighs the pain of facing their past (and they are in full desperation mode).
Perhaps you have known for a long time there is something you need to process, forgive and release. Something you need to let go of, but you either don’t know how or don’t want to (for whatever reason). Please take the time to share your heartache with someone safe and understanding, then give it all to Jesus “For He careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7), and would love to give you peace and healing in exchange.