In plain churches across America today, ministers talk nonstop about the condition of the world. You constantly hear about those who are “out there in the world“ (dat dress in de felt). I have big news. We ARE the world. It’s fine to be plain, but it doesn’t make a person “unworldly.” It doesn’t take away worldly things like anger, fear, depression, disease, lust, or pride. Why do we keep comparing ourselves to the so-called “world” instead of Jesus? Do you really think if the whole world would be plain, it would be a good world? Do you think there would be no devil in a plain world? Think again. Some plain people are good, some are evil. In a perfect world, the evil ones would be excommunicated, but it is not a perfect world. These days, some of the evil ones are doing the excommunicating. How crazy is that? Many plain people are excommunicated when they become born again because they supposedly have what’s called “a new belief” (a ni ah glaw vah). There is nothing new about being born again, the idea is roughly two thousand years old. The Amish/Mennonite world is closing in on five hundred years old. So who, in reality, has a new belief?
I realize that many who do get saved in the plain circles want to turn around and help their relatives and neighbors find freedom, but often before they have been fully freed themselves and properly equipped to help others. This can become a nightmare because when an unhealed/unequipped person tries to help an unsaved person, it brings out the worst in everybody and neither one is mature enough to effectively bring about the needed changes in an individual or neighborhood. Sometimes it’s not even possible (because some people just want to be evil).
I have a question for every plain church that exists today — actually every church in America. If we are Christians, why don’t we just say so? Why don’t we put it on our signs? Our denominational names are not found in the Bible. The early church did not use these titles, so why do we? Could it be because the power of Christ (as presented in chapter 1) is not present in our churches? I was somewhat surprised to discover so many depressed people in the plain churches, but I guess I shouldn’t have been. They are, as some would tell you themselves, only human. I grew up believing the plain people had all the answers (especially my particular brand of it). However, I began to notice that when it mattered most, we had to turn to the “world” for help. We know how to sew clothes, plant a garden, butcher a cow and build barns (which is great), but we don’t know what to do when someone is depressed or full of aches and pains. We turn to doctors, chiropractors, etc (which do not produce healing), and if you pick a demonic one, your trouble will only increase, you can count on that. For many, it doesn’t stop there. It seems people are willing to try anything these days (including sorcery and witchcraft) except the healing power of Jesus. One reason for this is you don’t have to expose your secrets when you take the “worldly” road to health (which in reality isn’t healthy at all). Medicine never healed anyone and never will (it doesn't even claim to heal). We live in a day and age where there is very little faith left on the Earth, and the plain people are no exception.
Sadly, my thoughts and angles about the plain churches also describe the condition of many main stream denominations across the land. That’s why I never tell anyone where they should go to church. First and foremost, we must be born again. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). Make your call and election sure (2 Peter 1:10). Then ask God where you’re supposed to let your light shine. Do not confuse religion with Christianity. There is a big difference. Jesus was clear about the fact that He was fulfilling the Old Testament, and God (the Father) was starting a new thing in which He would be worshipped “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). The religious people of the day could not comprehend it at all. Can you?
When Jesus died, the curtain in the temple was torn in two. Does anyone understand the significance of that? Prior to that, if you so much as looked into the Holy of Holies, you would die (because that was where the Spirit of God resided). After Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament (and Law of Moses), you could not only look into it, you could walk right in (and live to tell about it). As if the curtain tearing event wasn’t enough of a sign that everything was changing, God allowed the entire temple to be destroyed as an exclamation point! You can’t worship any longer in a temple that doesn’t exist. When are we going to start worshipping Him for real? When will we ever stop being impressed by buildings and numbers? Why is it that the Old Testament folks looked forward with great yearning to the coming of the Messiah and a better way, while we New Testament folks look back and long to experience something from the old days? I personally would not want to spend one day in the Old Testament, because I’m not a Jew. I would have been a heathen with no chance back then (and most likely you would have been as well). Your average Joe could not be filled with the Holy Spirit. Even among the Israelites only the priests, Levites, and a few others were and that was it. Of course, if you’re not filled with the Spirit today then you don’t know what you’re missing, and maybe you think seeing some of the Old Testament miracles would be pretty special. Personally, I think the New Testament miracles (healing the sick, raising the dead, and casting out demons) are more exciting than the Old Testament ones.
Now before you hit the panic button, let me just say that I’m not too concerned about raising physically dead people. I’ve got my hands full with the “living dead” (the spiritually deprived and those who are oppressed by Satan). The harvest is plentiful, and many more laborers are needed. At the very least, love, pray for and support those who are doing the work. Those who sow, water and harvest, all have equal importance/value in God’s kingdom.