Healing Hearts. Changing lives

The Plain Truth: Chapter 1

What Is Real Christianity?

Let’s start by talking about what it’s not. It’s not religion. Religion killed Jesus, and it’s doing its best to kill Christianity today. Jesus was loved by lost, hurting, sinful people, but despised by the ones who thought they were righteous. Almost two thousand years later, nothing has changed. If you walk in real Christian power, those who are healed will love you, but the religious people (the ones who are hiding things) usually have a negative reaction prompted by fear or jealousy. Jesus did not beat around the bush when he talked about the fate of “religious” leaders and those who follow them. He said, “Leave them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, they both fall into a ditch.” - Matthew 15:14.

Now, if that’s the case, do you think it’s important for us to work out our own salvation, or should we entrust that to another? For those who choose to figure it out for themselves, the following information may be helpful. As I mentioned previously, real Christianity is still powerful and life changing. If someone is telling you the good stuff (the miracle working power of the Gospel) died with the apostles, you are being lied to. Just because that individual is not walking in it, that doesn’t mean it’s not available. It seems to me people either walk in the real power of the Gospel, or make up reasons and excuses for not having it. Granted, many fake “Spirit filled Christians” (those who claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit, but in fact are those who “practice lawlessness.” - Matthew 7:23) have come and gone through the years. Jesus said there would be deceivers and imposters, but that doesn’t mean we should be afraid of, or shy away from the Holy Spirit and the things He does.

True Christians enjoy and participate in the fruits and the gifts of the Spirit. They don’t waste time trying to explain how these things died with the apostles. They are busy setting the captives free (with the power of the Holy Spirit). The fruits consist of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. There’s not one negative thing among them. It’s all good. When you receive His Spirit, these things come with it. Why then, are so many “Christians” miserable? Obviously something is missing. When a person tries to produce through human effort what only God can impart, the result is often frustration and misery (another possibility is that the soul is shattered and scattered, and some parts are experiencing peace while others are entertaining terror. A common scenario that can be healed, but usually not overnight. For more on this, refer to Book 1, The Healing Journey).

The same is true with the gifts. They are a byproduct of the Spirit, so to speak. They consist of; words of wisdom, words of knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of the spirits, tongues, and interpretation of tongues (1 Corinthians 12:8-10). If we believe all of this died with the apostles, then obviously we won’t experience any of it. I find it interesting however, that there is always a loophole for salvation. How did it slip through? Why didn’t salvation also die with the apostles? Isn’t that a little suspect? We can’t have the gifts of the Spirit, but we can be saved? Whose brainchild was that? If the Spirit still saves, then He still fills, heals, performs miracles, and so on. It’s all or nothing. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

And speaking of Christ, did you know that speaking against the Holy Spirit, and telling people it’s not for today, is an anti-Christ attitude and spirit? Here’s how it works. The early believers (after the Spirit was given to them in the upper room) began to do all the things that Jesus had done. People took notice and began to call them “Christians” at Antioch (Acts 11:26). The word “Christ” means “the anointed one”. Jesus was called “the Christ” because he walked in power. It was not his last name. When the early church began to operate in this same power, those who witnessed it came up with a name for it. “Christian” means “little Christ” or “an anointed one” (one who does what Jesus did). After all Jesus said, “Most assuredly I say to you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also, and greater works than these he will do, because I go to my Father.” - John 14:12. Where are the “greater works” that Jesus talked about? I can assure you they are not happening through those who say it all died with the apostles.

Some church leaders today are directly opposed to any move of the Spirit. They fear deception, and firmly stand “against” the gifts of the Spirit. Another word for “against” is “anti”. Another word for the power of the Spirit is “Christ”. Put it together, and you have “anti-Christ”. Yet they think they’re so smart and see everything so clearly. They think they have it all figured out, when in reality, they are directly opposed to any move of the Spirit, have zero faith, and they’ve never helped anyone get free from anything…. No wonder! They are against the very one who makes those things happen, the Holy Spirit.

When you stand before God, no minister or church will be there to defend you, so why would someone put their faith in something that will not be there at the most important time of their life? I’m not saying churches and people don’t have a purpose here, just that “faith” should only be invested in Jesus. Churches play a big role on Earth (i.e. communion, baptisms, weddings, funerals) but they do not exist on the other side. They will not be there for you on Judgement Day, so it is in your best interest to get to know the one who will be, Jesus. And if your current church isn’t adamant about you connecting to Him, I suggest you find one that is.

Many churches and religions will utterly fail you when you need them most, like if you are sick or dying. It’s almost amusing how little they can do in these two critical situations. In both cases you will end up in the hands of health/medical professionals instead of a minister. Cancer for example doesn’t care where you go to church.

I remember overhearing a conversation as a young boy where somebody said so and so “got cancer”. I was scared and intrigued at the same. I began to wonder how that works, how does someone suddenly “get’ cancer. I pictured cancer hiding behind a tree and jumping on somebody as they walked by. I have learned a lot since those days and here is what I’ve found. Cancer is a spirit, and it clings to areas of pain, fear, generational baggage, and hidden death wishes. Sickness and disease are not the same as a simple physical injury, like if someone falls and breaks their arm (that can usually be put back in place by a doctor, and heal on its own). Many times there are specific root-causes for a disease. If/when you discover what it is rooted in and go through the healing process (forgive, release, ask Jesus for healing) you can expect it to loosen its grip, maybe even flee from you. If someone discovers a cure for cancer that does not include Jesus (and possibly some soul-searching), I personally will not be putting an ounce of faith in it. The Anti-Christ (as mentioned in Revelation) will be performing many false miracles as Satan has always been trying to “keep up” with God and deceive the masses. Counterfeit miracles are in fact already here, but real and true healing only comes from Jesus.