Healing Hearts. Changing lives

The Middle of the Road

Final Thoughts

Obviously, this is not an exhaustive study on these topics, but rather a collection of thoughts designed to stimulate some thinking on the part of the reader. All of us are at different places spiritually and materially (especially when you consider the fact that Christians are found in every tribe, tongue, and nation, and our experiences are quite diverse). This means the “middle of the road” varies somewhat from person to person. What works in one situation might not be the answer across the board.

My prayer is that this information will help people to avoid Satan’s detours, which are designed to discourage those who choose to swim in deep water. I have no doubt that God wants us in the deep end, my concern is for someone who is about to go off the deep end.

Now, while these keys and principles can aid in eliminating spiritual strongholds and open doors to new freedoms, it is still important to understand that God does not always deliver people from their physical bondage and hardship (there are many examples of this in the Bible, such as when Peter and John were miraculously freed from prison while Paul was not). In fact the New Testament makes it clear there will be persecution for those who follow Him. “Indeed, all who desire to live Godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Timothy 3:12). But Jesus promised inner peace. Peace that we could have anytime, anywhere, in any situation (even when we experience different forms of persecution). Once again I am recommending a “middle of the road” approach here. Rather than believing “everything is guaranteed to be healed”, or the exact opposite, “everything is my thorn in the flesh and can’t be healed”, take the time to pray and ask God about it like Paul did in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. If something is confirmed to be your thorn in the flesh, then own it. But if it’s not, I encourage you to pursue healing.