I happen to believe everything that was happening in the early church is still available, and is still happening today. Some people are convinced the power of the Gospel died with the apostles, but I beg to differ. If it took something special to start the church, believe me, it’s going to take something special to keep it going. Satan is stepping up the attack on Christians, so why would God give us less than what the early church was walking in? If anything, I think we can expect more from Him in these latter days, not less.
The Holy Spirit is still available to believers today. He is the power behind the gifts, and they are truly amazing, but first and foremost, He wants to help us overcome the issues in our own hearts. If this doesn’t happen first, then things can get out of line very quickly. When God’s thoughts are filtered through hurting areas of our heart and mind, they can be twisted and tainted. Sadly, many people (even some who are supposedly filled with the Spirit) cannot comprehend that. This is why we need each other. Some people get very offended if you so much as raise a question about something they’ve said or done. When anointed people begin to think they no longer need anything or anyone, that’s when you see people going off the deep end. Many believers are afraid to pursue spiritual things because of the extremes they’ve seen in the lives of others. What seems to be in short supply today is people who remain truly humble when God has partnered with them to do something miraculous.
These are the two extremes. Never getting started, versus taking it too far. For those having difficulty getting started (for whatever reason), remember this. If you ask God for a fish (the Holy Spirit), He will not give you a serpent (an evil spirit - Matthew 7:8-11). For those who dove in and almost drowned, well, at least you’re making an effort. If you are discouraged (for whatever reason), I encourage you get back on your feet. It’s not over yet. The last chapter is still being written so to speak, and it’s time to chalk up the past as “experience” and move on.
Here are a few thoughts for those who feel called to ministry… Remember, there were times when Jesus could not perform miracles because people lacked faith. He did not force anyone to receive Himself or His message. In the same way, we cannot violate a person’s free will. If someone doesn’t want to experience something miraculous (whether it’s salvation, healing, deliverance, etc.), we have to be okay with that. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.
P.S. — When I refer to the gifts of the Spirit, or someone being “gifted” I’m talking about those listed in the Bible (1 Corithians. 12:7). Some people are into gadgets, cards, rituals, and other “special” junk. These things are not special at all. They are demonic and need to be renounced if you desire to walk in the true power of Jesus.