Healing Hearts. Changing lives

The Healing Journey


 Some people are doing time in a physical prison, others are trapped in mental or spiritual prisons. Walking out of these places can be painful, and it is a process. Traumatized and misguided souls are rarely healed in an instant with one trip to the alter. There is no better feeling than being born again, but because it happens instantaneously, some mistakenly think that everything involving Christianity happens in the blink of an eye. The information in this book is for those who have realized otherwise.

Removing the beam from your own eye (Matthew 7:3-5) and working out your salvation with fear and trembling (Phillipians 2:12-13) can be a painstakingly long process. I believe in fact that we are to be growing, changing and maturing for the rest of our lives.

Our brains have been programmed by the world around us, and it may take a lifetime to get them straightened out. The soul is extremely complex, and traumatic events begin to affect us from the very start (from conception onward). Some people are aware of this fact; others are not. We are deeply impacted by these events, and God is standing by ready to heal us. He does that when we bring our garbage to him, live and in color (feel it, see it, hear it, experience it, so you can release it). The healing journey begins when we “get real” and realize that we all have some issues (i.e. pent up anger, pain, fear, etc.).

There are several ways to find out what our issues consist of. One is to ask God to reveal them; another is to ask a close friend (if you can avoid feeling personally attacked, a true and sincere friend can be a big help in pointing out some of your faults). A third way is to simply have a conversation with your own self. Whatever the method, the main goal is learning about/understanding yourself.

I’ll say it once more because it is so crucial to understand this — everyone has issues. We’ve all been damaged/hurt somewhere, somehow. There are many levels of brokenness and deception. For the most part, I will be referring to the “big four” (verbal, physical, emotional and sexual abuse). However, these keys also apply to the person who just didn’t feel loved, affirmed or accepted. The little kid who never heard Dad say, “I love you” or “I’m proud of you,” can develop quite a complex over time. Bondage is bondage. The devil isn’t so concerned about the level of bondage, he just tries to make sure every person has some. Of course, the ultimate bondage is the kind that is undetected by the person carrying it (sometimes referred to as a blindspot). We all suffer from this, and taking an honest look at the soul area (which is what inner healing is all about) can help illuminate these things.

Here are 7 Keys to get you started on your own personal healing journey.